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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

News Articles

Sea otter Maggie

April 9, 2021

Aquarium Staff Mourning the Passing of Maggie the Sea Otter

We are saddened to report that Maggie, our 20-year-old sea otter, passed away today. Due to advanced age, Maggie had been showing a decline in health in recent months.

Gatz the Penguin

March 11, 2021

2021 Penguin Breeding Season Update

As part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ (AZA) Species Survival Plan for penguins, the Aquarium works with fellow accredited zoos and aquariums as part of these conservation efforts.

Young masked mad feeds rays by hand while wading in a shallow pool

November 4, 2020

New Animal Encounters Now Booking With COVID Safety Measures

For those in search of outdoor activities with COVID-19 safety measures, the Aquarium of the Pacific is offering up-close experiences with its animals.

Moon Jelly Feed Experience

October 15, 2020

Feed the Moon Jellies on Harbor Terrace

Purchase a cup of tiny brine shrimp to gently pour over the jellies and watch as they collect the food with their stinging tentacles.

Penguin close-up portrait

July 29, 2020

Penguin Encounters Now Availabile

Participants will have the chance to sit next to a penguin as it waddles around outside the June Keyes Penguin Habitat before the Aquarium opens to the public in the morning.

Parker the sea lion

July 27, 2020

Send a Personal Greeting from a Seal, Sea Lion, or Sea Otter with Cameo

Book a Cameo greeting from the Aquarium’s animals. Funds raised through this program support the Aquarium’s animal care, education, and conservation programs.

Avery the Magellanic penguin

May 7, 2020

Aquarium Mourns the Loss of Avery the Penguin

Avery passed away on May 7, 2020. The Aquarium’s staff will remember Avery for his mellow personality, intelligence, and his good parenting skills.

Millie the sea otter

February 27, 2020

Aquarium Welcomes a Special Sea Otter and Announces New Role in Helping Sea Otter Pups

The Aquarium of the Pacific announced today that it will become a partner facility for rehabilitating rescued sea otter pups, rearing them with the help of surrogate mothers, and coordinating their release back into the wild. The Aquarium is also welcoming a new sea otter named Millie, who they hope will be a surrogate mother to the orphaned sea otter pups.

Helvola sea nettle

December 9, 2019

New Sea Jellies Now on View Were Cultured at the Aquarium

Helvola sea nettles bred at the Aquarium are now on view in the Northern Pacific Gallery. This is the first time an aquarium in the United States has successfully cultured and raised this species.

American alligator

October 15, 2019

Meet Conservation Ambassadors at the Aquarium on October 19 and 20

The Aquarium will host special guest animals from wildlife rescue and outreach organization Conservation Ambassadors with meet-and-greet opportunities and shows.

Lola the cockatoo

July 9, 2019

Meet Our Animal Ambassadors at Pacific Visions

Visitors can see animal ambassadors up close in four sessions held daily between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Epaulette Shark

May 15, 2019

Aquarium Partners with CSULB to Study Shark Adaptations

Investigating how some sharks are specially adapted to be able to “walk” on their pectoral fins to move between aquatic and land environments.

Charlie the sea otter is seen from the shoulders up facing to the left with his muzzle and whiskers reflecting light

April 22, 2019

Aquarium Mourns the Loss of Charlie the Sea Otter

Charlie passed away on Monday, April 22, at the age of twenty-two. He was oldest southern sea otter living at a zoo or aquarium.

Charlie the sea otter rests on an ice pile and touches his nose to a frozen birthday cupcake treat in the Aquarium

March 2, 2019

Charlie the Southern Sea Otter Turns 22

Charlie is the oldest southern sea otter living at any aquarium or zoo. He is the second sea otter on record to ever reach twenty-two.

Close-up portrait of Brook the sea otter looking into the camera

January 30, 2019

Aquarium Pays Tribute to Brook the Sea Otter

Brook passed away on January 29 after being diagnosed with congestive heart failure earlier this month by the Aquarium’s veterinary team. She was nearly 22 years old.