Member Benefits
- Unlimited free visits for 12 months
- 50% off parking with pre-paid parking vouchers
- 20% discount on guest admission tickets
- 10% discount at Café Scuba and other food locations at the Aquarium
- 10% discount in gift stores (20% discount during December)
- Discounts on day camps, gift memberships, and more
- Invitations to members-only events and previews of new exhibits
- Free digital subscription to our member magazine, Pacific Currents
Member Levels
$299 · Plus
Best Value!
- All member benefits for one or two named cardholders, plus your children or grandchildren (age 17 and under)
- 1 transferable membership card — a guest card that someone can use to visit the Aquarium. You don’t even have to be with them, making it a great option for a grandparent or babysitter!
$249 · Family
All member benefits for one or two named cardholders, plus your children or grandchildren (age 17 and under)
$179 · Dual
All member benefits for two named cardholders
$99 · Individual
All member benefits for one named cardholder
$169 Senior Dual and $89 Senior Individual levels available to seniors (ages 62+)
Member Parking
Save 50% on parking. Purchase your pre-paid parking vouchers (3 for $12) at Member Services and use each one at the end of every visit.
Add-on Member
Add one named cardholder to your membership for $79. Ask about this option during your visit or by calling (562) 437-3474.
Membership is nonrefundable, nontransferable, and renewable annually. Donor-advised funds may only be used for contributions in which no goods or services are provided and therefore cannot be applied to a membership. Please see the Member Terms and Conditions.