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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Whales: Voices in the Sea

Explore the sound-based world of whales

Discover the sounds of humpback, sperm, gray, blue, beaked, and Northern right whales in this online version of the Aquarium of the Pacific’s exhibit Whales: Voices in the Sea. Listen to each whale call, watch videos on the whales, learn about conservation issues, and see interviews with scientists.

Whales: Voices in the Sea won the 2005 MUSE Silver Award from the American Association of Museums (AAM) Media and Technology Committee in the “Interpretation and Education in Science” category.

Whales Voices in the Sea

Take me to the whales…

Site contents © Aquarium of the Pacific.

Whales: Voices in the Sea is a collaborative project of the Aquarium of the Pacific, Ocean Alliance, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, and Cortina Productions

Sponsored by Pacific Life Foundation