MCRI Forums
Forums and Reports

Offshore Oil Platform Decommissioning Forum Report
Once these structures have reached the end of their functional lifespan, drilling operators, government agencies, and surrounding communities must decide what to do with them.

Marine Finfish Aquaculture in the U.S. and California
The following is an essay adaptation of a presentation given by Jerry R. Schubel at the World Ocean Council’s Sustainable Ocean Summit in Rotterdam, Netherlands on December 2, 2016.

After the Gulf: What Did We Learn?
On October 21-22, 2010 the Aquarium of the Pacific’s Marine Conservation Research Institute (MCRI) conducted a Forum entitled “After the Gulf: What Did We Learn?” The focus of the first day was preventing recurrence of a similar event and when/if ones does occur, how to respond more efficiently and effectively. The focus of the second day was on the consequences of a continued reliance on fossil fuels, the role the ocean will probably play in meeting the continuing demand for oil, and strategies to accelerate a movement away from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. A secondary theme was whether an event similar to Deepwater Horizon could occur off California’s coast.

Critical Condition: Ocean Health and Human Health
This report explores the interconnectedness of ocean health and human health. The ocean provides benefits to human health including controlling our climate, providing a rich source of healthy protein, providing a source for new medicines, and providing recreational and aesthetic benefits. Yet the ocean also harbors marine toxins and disease causing agents. Human actions are adversely impacting the ocean, increasing these risks and despoiling the beneficial ocean resources. This report explores these concepts and describes some of the actions being taken to mitigate the risks.

Pollution in the Ocean: Everything Flows Downhill
The report explores the sources of pollution to the ocean, their consequences, and ways to manage manage each category of pollutants. Pollutants discussed include: marine debris, nutrients, CO2, toxicants, fecal wastes, oil, and noise.

Forum on Ports II
This meeting was the second in what is planned to be a series of meetings having the end goal of creating a public exhibit and collateral programs on the Ports of San Pedro Bay at Aquarium of the Pacific. These programs and exhibits will serve to educate guests of all ages about our ports and why they are an essential component of a sustainable coastal community in the future.

Forum on Ports
The Aquarium of the Pacific is developing plans for a port exhibit. The Aquarium is the only aquarium in the country, perhaps the world, that focuses on building and sustaining natural capital—nature—by building and sustaining social capital—the ties between and among people.