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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

MCRI Forums

Forums and Reports

Building a Climate Resilient Long Beach Cover

A Citizens’ Guide to Building a Climate-Resilient Long Beach

Summary of the City of Long Beach Climate Resiliency Assessment Report Created by the Aquarium of the Pacific at the request of Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia

Report front page

Climate Change – Impacts and Actions Forum

On September 2, 2015, California’s 47th District Representative, Congressman Alan Lowenthal, in collaboration with the Aquarium of the Pacific, hosted a public forum on the impacts and actions related to climate change. This forum is intended to bring together a unique, multi-disciplinary group of local stakeholders, environmental professionals, scientists, and community leaders to share how they are working on climate change issues in Southern California, statewide, and at the national level. The report is a brief summary of the information presented during this forum.

Video Thumbnail

Preparing Southern California for Extreme Weather-Related Events

This report is a brief summary of the forum held on November 28-29, 2012 at the Aquarium of the Pacific. For each of the four categories of extreme weather- related events that were ranked as having the greatest potential to cause serious disruptions in Southern California, we present a brief summary and an abbreviated set of recommended actions.