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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm

Aquarium Video Presentations

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Christine Whitcraft

Wetlands in a Time of Change

Christine Whitcraft recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on March 22, 2017. Whitcraft is an associate professor in the biology department at California State University, Long Beach, and serves as president of Friends of Colorado Lagoon and on the board of the Bolsa Chica Conservancy.
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Andrew Pershing

Climate Change and Ecosystems of the Gulf of Maine: What Does the Future Hold?

Andrew Pershing recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on March 15, 2017. Pershing is chief scientific officer at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute and runs the Ecosystem Modeling Lab.
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Patrick Smith

Sad Serendipity: Shipwrecks On and Around the Palos Verdes Peninsula

Patrick Smith recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on March 9, 2017. Smith is a U.S. Coast Guard-licensed captain, commercial and scientific diver, and co-author of Shipwrecks of Southern California.
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Jonathan Rose

The Well-Tempered City

Jonathan Rose recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on February 24, 2017. Rose is the founder of investment, development, and urban planning firm Jonathan Rose Companies.
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Malcolm Bowman

Can We Continue to Live at the Edge of the Sea?

Malcolm Bowman recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on January 26, 2017. Bowman is an oceanographer, engineer, and professor of oceanography at State University of New York, Stony Brook.
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Barbara Crane

The Early Los Angeles River Watershed Through Fiction and Photographs

Barbara Crane recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on January 19, 2017. Crane is a novelist, journalist and teacher. Her work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Sun magazine and other publications.
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Daniel Botkin

Twenty-Five Myths That Are Destroying the Environment

Daniel Botkin recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on December 8, 2016. Botkin is a biologist, writer, and public speaker who works in the areas of conservation, energy production, and computer modeling.
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Sean B. Carroll

The Serengeti Rules: The Quest to Discover How Nature Works, and Why It Matters

Sean B. Carroll recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on October 27, 2016. Dr. Carroll is a scientist, writer, educator, and executive producer. He is vice president for science education at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Allan Wilson Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
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Charles Wurster

DDT Wars: The 1972 DDT Ban and its Benefits

Charles Wurster recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on September 27, 2016. A lifelong birder, Wurster was on the environmental sciences faculty at the State University of New York at Stony Brook for thirty-five years.
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Paul Isley

Tillandsia Air Plants: Low-Water Plants for the 21st Century

Paul Isley recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on July 26, 2016. Isley is the founder and owner of Rainforest Flora, Inc., a nursery specializing in tillandsias and bromeliads.

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