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Patrick Smith
History at our Doorstep: Images of California Submerged Shipwrecks
Patrick Smith recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on April 28, 2016. Smith is a U.S. Coast Guard-licensed captain, commercial and scientific diver, and co-author of Shipwrecks of Southern California.

Chris Welsh
Deep Sub & the Five Dives Expedition
Chris Welsh recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on February 2, 2016. Welsh is the owner and chief pilot of Deep Sub.

Rick Spinrad
The Case for Ocean Exploration
Rick Spinrad recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on March 3, 2015. Spinrad is chief scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Emily Yam
Data are Everywhere: Understanding Our Planet Through Exploration and Observation
Emily Yam recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on January 22, 2015. Yam is the Aquarium’s science interpretation manager.