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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm

Aquarium Video Presentations

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Josefin Stiller

The Mysterious Biology of Seadragons

Josefin Stiller recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on July 19, 2016. Stiller is a Ph.D. candidate at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
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Heather Lynch

Antarctic Penguins

Heather Lynch recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on March 17, 2015. Lynch is a member of the faculty in ecology and evolution at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.
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Stephen Dunbar

ProTECTOR: Saving Turtles, Helping People

Stephen Dunbar recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on October 16, 2014. He discusses sea turtle conservation.
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Steve Haddock

Glowing Aliens: Diversity and Bioluminescence of Deep-Sea Jellies and Other Unusual Organisms

Steve Haddock recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on October 15, 2014. He discusses bioluminescent animals in the deep ocean.
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Tom Tomlinson

The Southern California Steelhead Story

Tom Tomlinson recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on May 8, 2014. He shares the natural history, local importance, and ecological role of the Southern California steelhead.
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Edith Widder

The Kraken Revealed: The Story Behind Finding the Giant Squid

Edith Widder recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on August 27, 2013. Widder is a deep-sea explorer, oceanographer, marine biologist, and co-founder of the Ocean Research and Conservation Association.
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Rescue Animals

The Aquarium provides a safe haven for numerous animals.

There are rescue animals, or animals that would not be able to survive in the wild, that reside at the Aquarium of the Pacific, including sea otters, sea lions, and other marine creatures. One of those is a recent addition to the Aquarium family, a sea lion named Odin. Despite the fact that Odin is nearly blind, he has acclimated to his new home quite nicely.