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Francisco Ayala: Science and Religion
Bridging the gap between differing perspectives
Professor of Biological Sciences, University of California at Irvine, Francisco J. Ayala, states while although it is desirable to improve the human condition, there are issues surrounding the human genome. There also is an ongoing conflict between science and religion, but Ayala attempts to explain that these two viewpoints can coexist and are simply different dimensions of the world.

Francisco Ayala: Evolution
Discussion of natural selection and evolution
Francisco J. Ayala, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of California at Irvine, shares how evolution shows us the history of life through time and how natural selection is the mechanism by which change in organism occur. Ayala also covers ways to improve awareness of the current ecological crisis our world faces, and ways to preserve the environment and biological diversity.

Conrad Lautenbacher: FishWatch
FishWatch Brought to You by NOAA’s Office of Fisheries
Are you seafood savvy? Do you know what fish are good for you, which are sustainably fished and which are overfished? Vice Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret), Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, talks about FishWatch. This new program of NOAA’s Office of Fisheries presents up-to-date scientific data and is designed to help the public make intelligent, informed decisions about the fish they select to consume.

Richard West
A View of the Ocean from Washington
Rear Admiral Richard West, USN (Re.) is president of the Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education (CORE) division of the Consortium of Ocean Leadership whose mission is to advance research, education, and sound ocean policy. In his view of the ocean from Washington, Admiral West gives us a candid look at what’s happening now and a peek into the future.

Conrad Lautenbacher: Global Climate Change
Climate Change: NOAA Scientists Predict the Future
The National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA), under the direction of Vice Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret), is charged with analyzing and predicting the nation’s climate and weather now and into the future. Admiral Lautenbacher explains how NOAA agencies are responding to the need to help society understand, plan for, and respond to climate variability and change.

Tom Bowman
Policy and technology alternatives for controlling climate change and its impact globally and in California.
Tom Bowman is one of the premier interpreters of global warming science, impacts, and solutions. Tom led the design teams that created hands-on climate exhibitions for the Marian Koshland Science Museum, the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC, and the Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, CA. Policymakers and the design press have acknowledged these award-winning exhibitions for bringing balanced, authentic science to the public in engaging ways.

Rescue Animals
The Aquarium provides a safe haven for numerous animals.
There are rescue animals, or animals that would not be able to survive in the wild, that reside at the Aquarium of the Pacific, including sea otters, sea lions, and other marine creatures. One of those is a recent addition to the Aquarium family, a sea lion named Odin. Despite the fact that Odin is nearly blind, he has acclimated to his new home quite nicely.

Dr. William Patzert
The "El Nino Expert"
Bill Patzert has a PhD in oceanography and is a research scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab at the California Institute of Technology.

Dr. Herman Karl
A Look at Science as a Community-building Tool
Herman Karl, a marine geologist and former chief scientist with the US Geologic Survey's Western Coastal and Marine Geology Program, and co-director of MUSIC—the Massachusetts Institute of Technology—USGS Science Impact Collaborative, discusses "wicked environmental problems."

Kassie Siegel
Director of the Center for Biological Diversity’s Climate, Air, and Energy Program
As the director of the Center for Biological Diversity’s Climate, Air, and Energy Program, Siegel is well versed in the effects of global warming.