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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Aquarium Debuts New Film “Love & Life Beyond the Glass” Highlighting the Care of Our Seals and Sea Lions

The film by Director Chris Stanford illuminates the heart and soul of Aquarium animal care staff

A still from the Love and Life film.

June 28, 2024

Guests can watch a new film in our Honda Pacific Visions Theater called Love & Life Beyond the Glass by Director Chris Stanford. In the new film, a dedicated team of animal caretakers from Aquarium of the Pacific find their hearts entwined with the playful spirits of the seals and sea lions who call the Aquarium home. As the film unfolds, the animal care staff and animals embark on a journey of mutual understanding, friendship, and, ultimately, a bond that transcends the boundaries of land and sea.

“This film shows what we do here at the Aquarium… Our staff and animals are the heart and soul of this place,” said Dr. Peter Kareiva, Aquarium of the Pacific president and CEO.

As a nonprofit education and conservation organization, the Aquarium of the Pacific is committed to setting the standard in animal well-being and welfare to ensure our animals are healthy, happy, and thrive under our care. The Aquarium is an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), meeting or in many cases exceeding all standards. Love & Life Beyond the Glass has a runtime of eight minutes and twenty-five seconds. It plays alongside the film Coral Reefs: Nature’s Underwater Cities. Each film will play one to two times every hour. For guests with accessibility needs, please inquire with a staff member at the Member Services desk for available adaptive options. Access to these options and to the film screenings are included with general Aquarium admission.

Love & Life Beyond the Glass will officially debut to the public on July 3, 2024.