MCRI Research Archive
Below are the research projects (in PDF form where available) that the Aquarium of the Pacific has been involved in since the inception of MCRI.

The primary research efforts at the Aquarium of the Pacific are focused on species propagation. We have also developed collaborative relationships with various outside researchers and institutions who wish to study the species in our collection. In addition, our team of scientific divers support a variety of agencies and researchers in the field by collecting data.

Clinical Research Using Regranex to Treat Head and Lateral Line Erosionsin Marine Fish (2004)
The purpose of this study was to develop a more practical and cost-effective protocol for the treatment of HLLE in fish using Regranex.

Reproductive Behavior and Coloration of Black Perch (Embiotoca jacksoni) (2004)
Aquarium scientific divers assisted with weekly observations from the Summer of 2004 through the Summer of 2005 as part of a study to determine details of the spawning periodicity of black perch, in King Harbor at Redondo Beach, California.

National Park Service Kelp Monitoring Survey (2004)
Several Aquarium scientific divers participated in kelp monitoring survey cruises held by the National Park Service at the Channel Island Marine Sanctuary. Their contributions were especially valuable since kelp forest monitoring has been severely impacted due to limited funding by these agencies.

Abalone Surveys with California Department of Fish and Game (2004 - present)
In the spring of 2004 the Aquarium of the Pacific began a cooperative effort with the California Department of Fish and Game aimed at determining baseline data on existing populations of abalone at Santa Catalina Island. Scientific divers have conducted numerous monitoring trips at several locations around Catalina and the Palos Verdes peninsula.

Evaluation of the Breathing Patterns of Normal and Respiratory Diseased Olive Ridley Sea Turtles
In 2003 the Aquarium transported two normal Olive Ridley sea turtles to the University of California Irvine to serve as controls for the respiratory disease turtles used in the study. The turtles were attached to a custom pnuemotachography mask to measure the components of the respiratory cycle.

Vitamin D Levels in Green Sea Turtles (2003)
In cooperation with Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay, the Aquarium of the Pacific participated in a study aimed at determining the relationship between a sea turtle’s access to UV light and its ability to produce and metabolize vitamin D.

Molecular Phylogeny of Lorikeets (2003)
The Aquarium of the Pacific contributed tissue samples to this researcher who was conducting studies aimed at determining the phylogeny of this distinct group of psittacine birds.

Endocrinology of Sand Tiger Shark (Carcharias taurus) Reproduction (2003)
The Aquarium contributed blood samples that were used in this study of fluctuations in hormone levels as a function of the reproductive cycle of sand tiger sharks.

Movement Patterns of the Round Stingray (Urobatis halleri) at Seal Beach, California (2003)
Scientific divers from the Aquarium assisted in this study involving the use of acoustic telemetry to determine how long round stingrays congregate at Seal Beach, and where they go after leaving the area.

Marine Biotoxin Monitoring for California Department of Health Services (2003 - present)
Since 2003 the Aquarium of the Pacific has been participating in a statewide project aimed at determining levels of paralytic shellfish poisoning and domoic acid toxins in marine bivalves and plankton.