Meet some of the newest and cutest Aquarium residents in the new Babies! exhibits.

Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Robin Riggs
Animals You May See in the Gallery

Golden-lined Rabbitfish Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Andrew Reitsma

Yellow Tang Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Robin Riggs

Banggai cardinalfish Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Andrew Reitsma

Pajama Cardinalfish Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Andrew Reitsma

Clown Anemonefish Credit: FGorgun/

Flamboyant Cuttlefish Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Robin Riggs

Brownbanded Bamboo Shark Credit: Charlotte Bleijenberg/

Sailfin Sculpin Credit: Gerald Corsi/

Mexican Lookdown Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Ken Kurtis

Desert Tortoise Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Robin Riggs
More To Explore From Our Animal Database

Credit: Robin Riggs
Southern Sea Otter
Sea otters, the smallest and most recently evolved of all marine mammals, are in the family Mustelidae that includes weasels, ferrets, badgers, skunks, freshwater and sea otters, and minks.

Credit: Jay Tayag
Spot Prawn
Pandalus platyceros, is the largest species of shrimp found in ocean waters off the west coast of the United States.

Threespine Stickleback
The threespine stickleback is the only one of the three subspecies of Gasterosteus aculeatus that is marine, scaleless, and fully plated.

Shiner Surfperch
The most common surfperch found along the California coast, shiner surfperch typically live in loose aggregations in shallow waters of eelgrass beds, around pilings, piers, oil platforms, and in the back waters of bays and sloughs.

Epaulette Shark
This small, attractively marked shark is a rather interesting animal. It swims, but most of its movement is accomplished by “walking” with the use of several of its fins.

One of our zebra sharks in Shark Lagoon. Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific and K. Leonard
Zebra Shark
Zebra shark, the common name of these slow-swimming, non-aggressive, bottom-dwelling sharks, is derived from their juvenile coloration: narrow bars reminiscent of a zebra’s stripes.