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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm

Teen Science Café

The Aquarium of the Pacific’s Teen Science Café brings marine science to Long Beach through a partnership with Long Beach Public Libraries and Teen Science Café volunteers.

Group of teen volunteers of teens at table working

Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Josh Barber

Penguins walk on a thin ice shelf at the edge of a dark Antarctic ocean

Credit: Cassandra Brooks

Marine Science: By Teens, For Teens

Join the Aquarium of the Pacific Teen Science Cafés at the Michele Obama Library in Long Beach, CA.

Meet with marine scientists, explore a science topic, create something exciting, and make new friends over free pizza for a fun Friday night. Teen Science Café events are always free to attend, and are open to all High School students ages 13–18.

The Aquarium of the Pacific’s Teen Science Café is part of the national Teen Science Café Network, connecting STEM experts and teens to explore our world together.

Three people looking into exhibit blacklight

Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Josh Barber

Inside the Aquarium’s Teen Science Cafe

Teens are invited to take a deep-dive with a scientist at a Teen Science Café.

These events led by teens, for teens, feature a scientist presenting their research, an overview of the topic from fellow teens, a fun activity or craft, and pizza in our local libraries.

To kick off the event, teens introduce the program and help to set the stage for the scientist’s presentation, providing background information and context for the topic at hand.

Next, a  guest scientist will expand on the teens’ knowledge, giving insight into their journey as a scientist as well as their scientific process with a short presentation. The goal is to connect scientists with their teen audience, giving time for everyone to ask questions and learn together. 

Inside the Aquarium’s Teen Science CafeFinally, it’s the guests’ turn to participate. The café event offers time for teen-led hands-on activities that guide guests to a deeper understanding of the topic and its real-world applications.  Youth program participants help answer questions, engage in conversation, and have fun with everyone who joins in. 

Find out more about current and past Teen Science Café events.

Teen smiling with peers in classroom

Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Josh Barber

Science Communication

One of the most unique pieces of a Teen Science Café is that teen volunteers work with the presenting scientist to make their information more approachable, engaging, and meaningful to a teen audience of non-experts. Scientists have presented to teens about everything from what it is like to live in Antarctica to the challenges of working in deep ocean waters.  

Teen Science Café volunteers meet with the Café scientist who will be presenting their research, and spend time providing feedback on the topic, language used, and everything in-between. The scientists learn from the teen volunteers, improving their communication skills, and ensuring that teens have a voice in scientific research, presentation, and engagement.  

Teens Turning the Tide

Youth Stewardship Programs

Teens are turning the tide at the Aquarium of the Pacific through volunteer leadership dedicated to conservation, science, and ocean stewardship.

Youth-led programs by teens, for teens, are here to engage and change the world.