Magnificent Tree Frog
Litoria splendida
This rather sizable, green-colored tree frog is characterized by a large parotoid (poison) gland on its head. Humans are generally not affected by their foul-tasting poison. Found in Australia in areas of low rainfall, this nocturnal frog hunts and breeds at night. Listed as a species of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), they may still be affected by habitat loss and pollution.

Magnificent Tree Frog *Litoria splendida* Credit: Brian Gray/Aquarium of the Pacific
Magnificent Tree Frog
Litoria splendida
CLIMATE CHANGE: Not Applicable
At the Aquarium
The magnificent tree frog resides in the FROGS: Dazzling and Disappearing exhibit in the Tropical Pacific Gallery.
Geographic Distribution
Found from the Kimberley Region, Western Australia, and northwestern Northern Territory to Bradshaw Station.
Typically found in areas of low rainfall, gorges, and caves.
Physical Characteristics
This frog’s dorsal skin surface is olive to bright green and the ventral side is white. Most have splashes of yellow or white color in varying sizes on their backs. The undersides of their legs and feet are bright yellow. Mature specimens have a sizable parotoid (poison) gland covering their entire head and partially covering their large tympanum. Finger and toe pads have enlarged discs.
Females are typically 4.2 inches (10.6 cm). Males are 4.1 inches (10.4 cm).
Large insects, spiders, and earthworms.
This species’ breeding behavior has not been extensively studied. It is thought that they breed at night during the rainy season (December and January) in rock pools. The males call to the females with a deep “crawk-crawk-crawk”. The female may lay an average of 1,000 eggs, which form floating mats on the water. Depending on when the eggs were laid, it takes one to four months for the tadpoles to develop into adults.
This frog species is nocturnal, hunting and breeding at night.
L. splendida’s bright coloration serves as a warning to predators not to eat it.
This frog typically lives eight years.
Listed as Least Concern by IUCN but they may still be effected by habitat loss and pollution.
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Magnificent Tree Frog
Litoria splendida
CLIMATE CHANGE: Not Applicable
The magnificent tree frog resides in the FROGS: Dazzling and Disappearing exhibit in the Tropical Pacific Gallery.
Found from the Kimberley Region, Western Australia, and northwestern Northern Territory to Bradshaw Station.
Typically found in areas of low rainfall, gorges, and caves.
This frog’s dorsal skin surface is olive to bright green and the ventral side is white. Most have splashes of yellow or white color in varying sizes on their backs. The undersides of their legs and feet are bright yellow. Mature specimens have a sizable parotoid (poison) gland covering their entire head and partially covering their large tympanum. Finger and toe pads have enlarged discs.
Females are typically 4.2 inches (10.6 cm). Males are 4.1 inches (10.4 cm).
Large insects, spiders, and earthworms.
This species’ breeding behavior has not been extensively studied. It is thought that they breed at night during the rainy season (December and January) in rock pools. The males call to the females with a deep “crawk-crawk-crawk”. The female may lay an average of 1,000 eggs, which form floating mats on the water. Depending on when the eggs were laid, it takes one to four months for the tadpoles to develop into adults.
This frog species is nocturnal, hunting and breeding at night.
L. splendida’s bright coloration serves as a warning to predators not to eat it.
This frog typically lives eight years.
Listed as Least Concern by IUCN but they may still be effected by habitat loss and pollution.