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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
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Study on the Benefits of Nature Exposure

Aquarium publishes analysis of research on the benefits of nature exposure.

girl in front of tropical reef

Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific / Brian Gray

March 19, 2024

Aquarium CEO/President Peter Kareiva, Research Assistant Desiree Felix, and other researchers published a journal article that surveyed the methods of studies on the benefits of nature exposure. The article was published in the peer-reviewed journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The survey revealed that there is a need for research on the implementation of nature exposure. It was reported that future studies of nature exposure will help inform how access to nature can be enhanced and equitable.

The questions this research looked at when analyzing nature exposure studies were: “What types, or features, of nature confer the greatest benefits? And how do nature interventions compare to other interventions that might also enhance well-being, but possibly at less cost with a more durable impact?” While there is evidence to support that nature improves individual well-being, the research design does not allow decision-makers to make the necessary choices in creating nature experiences. In looking at a total of 125 studies, this analysis found that the research designs were limiting with most being observational, and in those that were randomized, the experiments were designed to be done indoors with nature exposures as little as ten to fifteen minutes.