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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm


Green Sea Turtle

Urban Sea Turtles in Southern California

Virtual Event

Learn about how the Aquarium is helping to understand and protect green sea turtles in Southern California.

Urban Sea Turtles in Southern California

Virtual Event

Learn about how the Aquarium is helping to understand and protect green sea turtles in Southern California.

Green Sea Turtle

Credit: Ken Kurtis/Aquarium of the Pacific

Learn about how the Aquarium is helping to understand and protect green sea turtles in Southern California. The mouth of the San Gabriel River is the northernmost known home of Pacific green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas), where they thrive in an unexpectedly urban environment. The Aquarium engages members of our local community to observe and collect data about these resident sea turtles. This information is then used by scientists, local agencies, and the Aquarium for conservation efforts. Hear about this important program and some of the interesting findings that help shed light on this threatened population.

Watch live below or sign in via Zoom. Please note that questions will only be answered for those via the Zoom webinar.

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Cassandra Davis Headshot

Manager of Volunteer Programs Cassandra Davis

Manager of volunteer programs at the Aquarium of the Pacific, Cassandra Davis oversees community science programs like the Southern California Sea Turtle Monitoring Project. She works directly with scientists, volunteers, and communities to discover more about local populations of urban ocean wildlife, including the green sea turtles found in the San Gabriel River and surrounding wetlands. Cassandra received her masters of science in education from Oregon State University, with a focus on marine science in museums, aquariums, and zoos.


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(562) 590-3100 Due to strict capacity limits, advance reservations are required for in-person viewing. Live streaming link will be available on the event web page.
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