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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm


California Coastal Cleanup poster art of a seagull hugging a cartoon character in the shape of California - both holding trash in their other limb in a cheering fashion.

California Coastal Cleanup Day

You can join the Aquarium of the Pacific in cleaning up Long Beach as part of the statewide Coastal Clean-Up Day.

California Coastal Cleanup Day

You can join the Aquarium of the Pacific in cleaning up Long Beach as part of the statewide Coastal Clean-Up Day.

California Coastal Cleanup poster art of a seagull hugging a cartoon character in the shape of California - both holding trash in their other limb in a cheering fashion.

The public is invited to help Aquarium staff clean the beach located at Ocean Blvd. and 72nd place. Help protect our ocean and marine life by picking up trash. Gloves, bags, and a spirit of camaraderie will be provided. Please look for the Aquarium booth to check in and receive your cleaning supplies. RSVP requested.

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There will be free public parking. Trash bags and gloves will be provided.


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There will be free public parking. Trash bags and gloves will be provided.
The end of the Long Beach Peninsula at Ocean Blvd. and 72nd St