Aquarium E-Waste Drive
Drop off your e-waste at the Aquarium!
Aquarium E-Waste Drive
Drop off your e-waste at the Aquarium!

Credit: hxyume/
In celebration of Earth Day, the Aquarium of the Pacific is hosting an E-Waste Drive.
Drop off your items along the side of the Aquarium on Aquarium Way (please look for the marked area with signage and cones). Aquarium staff in uniform will be there to meet you and we will do our best to assist you with unloading. You may drop off your items by car or on foot.
The following items will be accepted: televisions, monitors, computers/computer processors, laptops, telephones/cell phones, cameras/video cameras, printers/scanners, speakers, radio, BluRay/DVD/VHS/CD players, keyboards/computer mice, hard drives, CD/floppy drives, computer RAM, electrical cords, power supplies, motherboards, soundcards, graphic cards, projectors, batteries, light bulbs, microwaves, refrigerators, washer/dryers, ovens, toasters, vacuums, dishwashers, fans, blow dryers/curling irons, and heaters.
Please note we cannot accept motor oil, paint, and other toxic items with noxious chemicals.
This is a community service project hosted by the Aquarium’s Leadership Program team to help reduce our community’s impact on the environment.
Sorry this event has passed.