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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm

Virtual Field Trips for Pre-k and K

Bring amazing ocean animals straight to your classroom with these fun and interactive programs. Our youngest students are invited to look for shapes, listen for sounds and follow the stories of animals in the ocean.

Programs Offered

Powder Blue Tang - Acanthurus leucosternon

Credit: Robin Riggs/Aquarium of the Pacific

Friends in the Sea, Are you like Me?

Follow Gracie, a baby gray whale, in search of animals that are just like her. Along the way, she will discover that just because they live underwater, not all ocean animals look or sound the same.

On this learning adventure, students will use sound, movement and observations to discover some of the animals that make the ocean their home.

  • Learning Objectives:
    • Learners will use basic shapes and colors to describe and compare animals
    • Learners will identify animals by using prior knowledge and comparing sounds to guess mystery animals based off presented characteristics
    • Learners will make and share observations
  • Price: $100
  • Program Time: 30 minutes
  • Downloadable Materials:
Sea star tube feet

Credit: Robin Riggs / Aquarium of the Pacific

Counting Critters

How many animals do you think we will find living in the tidepools?

Learners become explorers in this fun and interactive program touring a tidepool habitat. Practice numbers and counting as we discover the many critters that live along the rocky shore. From sticky sea anemones to bumpy sea stars, we will observe colors, shapes and textures to learn more about each of the animals we find.

  • Learning Objectives:
    • Learners will practice counting to describe the number of animals they find in a tidepool habitat
    • Learners will compare and contrast tidepool animals using shapes and colors
    • Learners will ask questions and make predictions based on animal observations
  • Price: $100
  • Program Time: 30 minutes
  • Downloadable Materials:

Credit: Robin Riggs / Aquarium of the Pacific

Aquarium Exploration

Learn about some of the most interesting animals in our collection while virtually touring our Tropical Pacific, Northern Pacific, and Southern California & Baja exhibits with live camera views.

Programs are tailored to be grade specific and include interactive media, games, and time to ask questions. General themes include an introduction to the different habitats of the Pacific Ocean, animal diversity, and adaptations.

  • Learning Objectives:
    • Learners will compare and contrast living and nonliving elements of tropical and kelp forest habitats
    • Learners will ask questions and share observations about animals and their habitats using pictures, biofacts, and webcam footage
  • Price: $100
  • Program Time: 30 minutes

Reservations & Info | (562) 590-3100, ext. 0