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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Terms and Conditions

Terms of use, release of liability and other conditions related to your visit.

Terms of Use

No Refunds. No Exchanges. Price of this ticket includes all applicable taxes. Valid for Aquarium entrance only unless specified on other side. License granted herein may be revoked upon refund of box office price. Management reserves the right to refuse admission, control occupancy or eject any person whose conduct is deemed by the management to be disorderly or who fails to comply with the terms and conditions herein. Any attempt to sell this ticket for a higher price than that printed on the face hereof shall violate the license and will be considered cause to invalidate this ticket without refund. The ticket holder expressly assumes all liability for risk and danger incidental to attending the Aquarium of the Pacific. The Aquarium of the Pacific is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items. Unless written consent is obtained from the Aquarium of the Pacific, this ticket or its image cannot be used in any advertising, promotion, or other trade purposes. Ticket must be presented if there are any questions regarding this transaction. The Aquarium of the Pacific is a non-profit 501(c)3 institution whose vision is to be a catalyst for the conservation of the Pacific Ocean. During your visit you may be videotaped or photographed by an Aquarium staff member or contract service professional. Your admission to our facility serves as permission for use of your image by the Aquarium of the Pacific and its constituents. The commercial use of photos or video taken during your visit is strictly prohibited without full written consent of the Aquarium of the Pacific. We maintain the right to search any items or persons entering our facility. Ticket void if stub is detached. Ticket valid one year from date of purchase unless otherwise specified.