Short-Beaked Common Dolphin
Delphinus delphis
The common dolphin is one of the most well known dolphins off the California coast. With their great energy and group mentality they live in large pods and put on shows for whale watchers. With threats such as fishing, entanglement, and hunting off of coasts outside the US we need to work together to protect these mammals who are so bright and vital to our ocean ecosystem.

Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific
Short-Beaked Common Dolphin
Delphinus delphis
CONSERVATION STATUS: Safe for Now - Protected
CLIMATE CHANGE: Not Applicable
At the Aquarium
While the Aquarium does not have common dolphins, guests can see them regularly on one of our whale watches.
Geographic Distribution
These subspecies are distributed in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Ocean.
The common dolphin lives in the open ocean from 198-1981m (650-6,500 ft).
Physical Characteristics
Common dolphins can easily be identified by the tan or gray hourglass shape on their bodies.
1.8 m - 77 kilograms ( 6ft - 170 lb)
Common dolphins feed in pods. They feed on schooling fish and cephalopods like squid are often seen feeding alongside tuna and diving birds.
The common dolphin becomes sexually mature around 10 years of age and has a gestation period of 10 to 11 months. They have their calving season in the winter off the California coast and year round in the eastern tropical pacific. They have one calf every 2 to 3 years.
Common dolphins are found in large social groups of usually a couple hundred of individuals, but have also been seen in groups up to a thousand. They are very energetic and they are often active at the surface, leaping out of the water and bow-riding ships.
Common dolphins have learned to work with schools of tuna to trap and ambush schooling fish. They also have countershading, which means they have a light belly and dark back. This helps them to blend in with the depths of the ocean, or light from above to hide from its predators. They use echolocation to detect predators and food in their habitat.
The longevity of the common dolphin is unknown but it is estimated to be around 35 years of age.
They face threats of fishing gear entanglement and are hunted in many countries outside the United States for their meat and oil.
In the United States, they are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
Last Updated: June 18, 2024
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Short-Beaked Common Dolphin
Delphinus delphis
CONSERVATION STATUS: Safe for Now - Protected
CLIMATE CHANGE: Not Applicable
While the Aquarium does not have common dolphins, guests can see them regularly on one of our whale watches.
These subspecies are distributed in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Ocean.
The common dolphin lives in the open ocean from 198-1981m (650-6,500 ft).
Common dolphins can easily be identified by the tan or gray hourglass shape on their bodies.
1.8 m - 77 kilograms ( 6ft - 170 lb)
Common dolphins feed in pods. They feed on schooling fish and cephalopods like squid are often seen feeding alongside tuna and diving birds.
The common dolphin becomes sexually mature around 10 years of age and has a gestation period of 10 to 11 months. They have their calving season in the winter off the California coast and year round in the eastern tropical pacific. They have one calf every 2 to 3 years.
Common dolphins are found in large social groups of usually a couple hundred of individuals, but have also been seen in groups up to a thousand. They are very energetic and they are often active at the surface, leaping out of the water and bow-riding ships.
Common dolphins have learned to work with schools of tuna to trap and ambush schooling fish. They also have countershading, which means they have a light belly and dark back. This helps them to blend in with the depths of the ocean, or light from above to hide from its predators. They use echolocation to detect predators and food in their habitat.
The longevity of the common dolphin is unknown but it is estimated to be around 35 years of age.
They face threats of fishing gear entanglement and are hunted in many countries outside the United States for their meat and oil.
In the United States, they are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
Last Updated: June 18, 2024