Brain Coral
Diploria spp.
Known for its brain-like appearance, Diploria spp. is one of the most interesting coral species to inhabit the ocean. This species, able to live up to 900 years in its natural habitat, is composed of tiny polyps that aggregate together to form a colony. Even though not a lot of information is known about the brain coral, they are significant marine organisms as they help build the foundations of coral reef ecosystems.

Brain Coral
Diploria spp.
CONSERVATION STATUS: Safe for Now - Protected
Geographic Distribution
Brain coral are distributed throughout the Caribbean Sea, reaching places like Florida, Bermuda, and the Gulf of Mexico.
Physical Characteristics
Brain coral are known as massive growth type corals, meaning that they are big and round like domes. Brain coral have hard calcium carbonate skeletons. They also have a grooved surface, resembling that of a brain. Brain coral can be gray, yellow, brown, and even neon.
They can grow in size to 1.8 meters (6 feet).
As suspension feeders they eat small organisms that drift through the water and zooplankton. Brain corals also have a mutualistic relationship (both organisms rely on each other for survival) with zooxanthellae (tiny algae) that provide nutrition/energy to the brain corals via photosynthesis. The brain corals in return protect and shelter the algae.
Brain corals reproduce both asexually and sexually. During asexual reproduction, polyps bud off from the parent polyp to form a new colony. During sexual reproduction, brain corals produce both eggs and sperm at the same time. In the water, the eggs and sperm of different individuals join to form larvae called planulae. After fertilization, the planulae swim towards the surface of the water towards the light. The planulae will then go back down to the bottom, where, if environmental conditions are pleasant, will settle. The planulae then metamorphose into polyps to form colonies.
Brain coral are sessile so they attach directly to the sea floor. They eat small plankton that drift through the water by extending their tentacles.
Many, not all, reef building corals have a mutualistic relationship (both organisms rely on each other for survival) with a specific algae named Symbiodinium. This algae supplies the corals with energy, while the corals themselves provide protection and nutrients to the algae. Recent studies show that brain corals have an essential amino acid that allows them to be less reliant on this algae. Studies relate how this development can be an evolutionary response to phenomena like coral bleaching.
One brain coral species, Diploria Labyrinthiformis (Grooved Brain Coral) has developed a unique reproductive strategy. Recent studies illustrate that while most broadcast spawning Caribbean coral species spawn a few nights once a year, this species spawns a few nights from spring to fall. This particular behavior is of interest as it illustrates how certain species of Brain Coral have evolved an evolutionary response to environmental stressors. By reproducing for a longer period of time, the Grooved Brain Coral leaves more offspring that will have a higher probability of surviving.
While brain corals can live up to 900 years in their natural habitat, there is no known information as to how long brain corals live in captivity.
Climate change is one of the biggest threats to coral reef ecosystems, including brain corals. As the atmosphere becomes warmer, the ocean absorbs the heat to balance the Earth’s climate system. Too much absorbed heat, however, changes the water’s temperature and composition, causing phenomena like coral bleaching. When coral bleaches, corals lose zooxanthellae (algae necessary to the well-being of corals) causing them to turn white. While the corals aren’t dead, the corals are under more stress. In a similar manner, the increase of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities contributes to another phenomenon known as ocean acidification. During ocean acidification, organisms with hard calcium carbonate skeletons, including brain corals, become weaker.
Fortunately, there are several coral reef conservation initiatives taking place worldwide to help protect coral reef ecosystems. Public outreach and education, coral reef restoration, and coral reef research are just a few of the initiatives people are taking to address climate change, and many of the other threats on coral reef ecosystems.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Aquarium of the Pacific, for example, are active participants in coral reef conservation programs that help address the impacts of climate change on coral reef ecosystems. By combining research, education, and management, both the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Aquarium of the Pacific are helping protect coral reefs and the communities that depend on them.
Special Notes
Brain corals grow very slowly. Despite their slow growth rate, brain corals play an important role in the foundations of coral reef ecosystems. Once fully established, their sturdy structures offer protection for marine organisms and coastlines against predators and strong wave actions, respectively.
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Brain Coral
Diploria spp.
CONSERVATION STATUS: Safe for Now - Protected
Brain coral are distributed throughout the Caribbean Sea, reaching places like Florida, Bermuda, and the Gulf of Mexico.
Brain coral are known as massive growth type corals, meaning that they are big and round like domes. Brain coral have hard calcium carbonate skeletons. They also have a grooved surface, resembling that of a brain. Brain coral can be gray, yellow, brown, and even neon.
They can grow in size to 1.8 meters (6 feet).
As suspension feeders they eat small organisms that drift through the water and zooplankton. Brain corals also have a mutualistic relationship (both organisms rely on each other for survival) with zooxanthellae (tiny algae) that provide nutrition/energy to the brain corals via photosynthesis. The brain corals in return protect and shelter the algae.
Brain corals reproduce both asexually and sexually. During asexual reproduction, polyps bud off from the parent polyp to form a new colony. During sexual reproduction, brain corals produce both eggs and sperm at the same time. In the water, the eggs and sperm of different individuals join to form larvae called planulae. After fertilization, the planulae swim towards the surface of the water towards the light. The planulae will then go back down to the bottom, where, if environmental conditions are pleasant, will settle. The planulae then metamorphose into polyps to form colonies.
Brain coral are sessile so they attach directly to the sea floor. They eat small plankton that drift through the water by extending their tentacles.
Many, not all, reef building corals have a mutualistic relationship (both organisms rely on each other for survival) with a specific algae named Symbiodinium. This algae supplies the corals with energy, while the corals themselves provide protection and nutrients to the algae. Recent studies show that brain corals have an essential amino acid that allows them to be less reliant on this algae. Studies relate how this development can be an evolutionary response to phenomena like coral bleaching.
One brain coral species, Diploria Labyrinthiformis (Grooved Brain Coral) has developed a unique reproductive strategy. Recent studies illustrate that while most broadcast spawning Caribbean coral species spawn a few nights once a year, this species spawns a few nights from spring to fall. This particular behavior is of interest as it illustrates how certain species of Brain Coral have evolved an evolutionary response to environmental stressors. By reproducing for a longer period of time, the Grooved Brain Coral leaves more offspring that will have a higher probability of surviving.
While brain corals can live up to 900 years in their natural habitat, there is no known information as to how long brain corals live in captivity.
Climate change is one of the biggest threats to coral reef ecosystems, including brain corals. As the atmosphere becomes warmer, the ocean absorbs the heat to balance the Earth’s climate system. Too much absorbed heat, however, changes the water’s temperature and composition, causing phenomena like coral bleaching. When coral bleaches, corals lose zooxanthellae (algae necessary to the well-being of corals) causing them to turn white. While the corals aren’t dead, the corals are under more stress. In a similar manner, the increase of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities contributes to another phenomenon known as ocean acidification. During ocean acidification, organisms with hard calcium carbonate skeletons, including brain corals, become weaker.
Fortunately, there are several coral reef conservation initiatives taking place worldwide to help protect coral reef ecosystems. Public outreach and education, coral reef restoration, and coral reef research are just a few of the initiatives people are taking to address climate change, and many of the other threats on coral reef ecosystems.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Aquarium of the Pacific, for example, are active participants in coral reef conservation programs that help address the impacts of climate change on coral reef ecosystems. By combining research, education, and management, both the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Aquarium of the Pacific are helping protect coral reefs and the communities that depend on them.
Brain corals grow very slowly. Despite their slow growth rate, brain corals play an important role in the foundations of coral reef ecosystems. Once fully established, their sturdy structures offer protection for marine organisms and coastlines against predators and strong wave actions, respectively.